Our Story
Providing a real natural hair care and skin care range that is affordable to the family, has always been my passion and dream.” Said Edwina Pearce owner and creator of Natures Quest.
In 2009 Edwina was a stay at home mum to 4 beautiful girls and 3 handsome boys, YES that’s right 7 kids! And today Edwina family is still growing as she is very proud to have 7 grandchildren. The Pearce family was a single income family and buying a real Natural product was hard to find let alone finding one that they could afford. Buying natural products for Edwina wasn’t just a lifestyle she wanted but a necessity for two of her children that had been struggling with their eczema.
While the kids were at school she would formulate and experiment in her kitchen with all the essential and natural oils that she could find until she had made the perfect natural blends that she knew she could finally trust for her family to use.
By the End of 2009 her love for making natural products for her family had grown into a passion to help other families that couldn’t afford natural skin care and hair care.
Struggling to afford and trust natural products on the market she had decided she would research into making her own range. After intense research and studies and searching hours on end through the internet the dream of “Natures Quest” had started.
In 2010 Edwina had taken a leap of faith and rented her first warehouse in Lonsdale South Australia. She designed herself a basic website, and a small shop front where she could sell her Natural products from. Natures Quest has now expanded into a national business supplying health food stores and pharmacies nationally.
Edwina’s team of manufacturers, developers, customer service staff and sales team strive to meet the highest standards and we are committed to providing exceptional service to our esteemed clients and customers.